zaterdag 27 augustus 2011

Tattoo Ink Removal - Removing A Tattoo!

Okay if you were a little wild in his younger years, had some problems when it comes to attitude and decided he was getting a tattoo even though their parents threaten to drive if you've never had one.

The problem is the "life" is a very long time, and when you get a tattoo that will keep it for life, right? False. There are several ways you can remove your name from your ex in your arms, you just need to understand all the different methods and understand what is best for you!

The first option - Dermabrasion

Who does not love the pain of putting his hands up. This method is by far the most painful tattoo removal, because it contains literally scratching the skin layers of the body. What is worse is that you must have the same treatment again and again. This is not for the faint of heart:

Professional takes an abrasive surface, cover with water and soap and rub the skin where the tattoo is, until it is raw red. The wound is then dressed and left the day on which the whole process starts again! What's more, when the process is complete, you will likely have a scar to remember the good war.

Well, at least it's cheap.

The second option - laser hair removal

Someone here has a rich family? If so, then you are lucky, because the laser treatment will cost more than a thousand dollars for a single treatment. And 'generally acknowledged to have the highest success rate of all treatments, and tattoos are quite eradicated by using this process.

You can get a little 'bruising and soreness, but the treatment is relatively painless. You need to set aside time to 6-8 sessions to ensure the carrier, even if the tattoo removal.

Your third option - and exfoliating creams

The substances applied topically to the skin can promote the reproduction of skin cells on the surface and lighten the darkness of the tattoo over time. It is likely that irritation and do not expose the area to direct sunlight for up to six weeks, but in many cases it is a good first step. This option is often used in combination with laser therapy combined can get tattoos removed entirely, but the cost is lower because fewer laser sessions required.

Your fourth option - Withdrawal Pulse Light Therapy

This is often confused with laser removal of even substantially different because none of the lasers involved! With this treatment, the light is shot at the tattoo through a prism and breaks down the ink particles, which are then absorbed into the body over time.

The light used in this procedure has the ability to attack the tattoo without piercing the skin to be less irritated by this method. Still going to cost a thousand dollars or more, and you may need more than one session

Final Option - Home Tattoo Kit

Recently, two large home kits have come on the market that will allow you to remove your tattoo at a fraction of the price. The initial reaction is that the kits are good and have very high success ratios. It is a good first step for anyone wishing to remove their tattoo, there is a budget and do not want the hassle of leaving their home to see a GP!

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